
Sunday, October 26, 2014

9:40 PM No comments
Posted by Luis Salazar on 9:40 PM with No comments
Luz entra por esa ventana; así es el amor de Dios. Su luz nos caliente, nos ilumina, sin Él no podemos subsistir. Él es el aire que respiramos y es todo lo que anhelamos.
Hay quienes dudan, pobrecitos; se ahogan en su mar de negativismo; pero para los creyentes verdaderos la lluvia fresca del Creador los limpia y los refresca en esos días calurosos y secos del diario vivir.
Todo lo bello que nos rodea es Dios, simplemente con mirarlo y contemplarlo nos calma y nos da valor. Todo lo grande de este mundo terrestre es pequeño frente al Creador y lo pequeño se engrandece con Él.
Eso es lo que hace la fe y es lo que posee el creyente; protegiéndonos con un escudo de amor, levantándonos del abismo del dolor.


Light enters through the window; so does the love of God. His light warms us, illuminates us; we cannot survive without Him. He is the air we breathe and everything we long for.
There are those who doubt, poor things; they drown in their sea of negativity; but for the true believers, the Creator’s   clean fresh rain cools them in those warm, dry days of daily living.
All the beauty that surrounds us is God simply by looking and contemplating it calms us and gives us courage. This terrestrial world's biggest is small in front of the Creator and the tiny is exalted with Him. 
That is what faith does and what the believer possesses; a protection with a shield of love, lifting us from the abyss of pain.


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