Posted by Unknown on 2:03 PM with No comments | Categories: Spirituality
Nada de luto; solo
festejos. ¡Como no celebrar la liberacion de un espiritu! Hay que celebrar la
vida y celebrar la partida a la patria espiritual. No llorar sino reir y
bendecir al Creador por su Sabiduria, Misericordia y Piedad. Nos perdona; dándonos
multiples oportunidades de redención, y vuelve a recibirnos en su casa con el
mismo amor. !Porque es un gran Padre!
Debemos ver nuestra
existencia como un partido de futbol; si, como un deporte. Siempre jugando lo
mejor possible; intentamos y luchamos por lograr un “Golazo,” pero nos bloquean, nos empujan, recibimos patadas y nos
tumban; pero nos levantamos, sacudiendonos el polvo retomamos la pelota y
corrimos con toda nuestra fe puesta en Dios, pensando que llegamos, si, que llegaremos.
Quiza nos distraimos y tropezamos; no vimos las defensas porque estabamos
Lloramos amargamente
pero de repente una campana suena y una luz nos alumbra, anunciandonos que el
juego comienza de nuevo. ¡Por fin vencemos! ¡Por
fin somos campeones!
2, 2014.
not mourn; let’s celebrate. Why not celebrate the liberation of a spirit. We
must celebrate life and celebrate heading to the spiritual homeland. Not cry
but laugh and sanctify the Creator for his Wisdom, Mercy and Piety. He forgives
us; giving us multiple opportunities for redemption, and receiving us into his
house with the same love. Because He is a great father!
must see our existence as a football match; yes as a sport. Always playing in the
best possible manner; we try and strive to achieve a "Goal," but we are blocked, pushed, receiving kicks that knock
us down; but we get up shaking the dust off. We regain the ball and run with
all our faith placed in God, thinking that we will succeed yes, that we will
arrive. Perhaps distracted we tripped; we did not see the defenses because we
were unfocused and we took our eyes off the goal. We dropped the ball!
cried bitterly, but suddenly a bell rings and a light shines, announcing that
the game begins again. Finally we overcome! At last we are champions!
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