
Saturday, May 24, 2014

9:20 AM No comments Posted in
Posted by Luis Salazar on 9:20 AM with No comments | Categories:
Como la aves tenemos alas aunque no se ven en la  Tierra. Dios nos regaló esas alitas al crearnos y van creciendo segun evolucionamos; adquiriendo fuerzas y destrezas.
Image Courtesy of  Gualberto107 / FreeDigitalPhotos

En nuestro recorrido espiritual; cuando menos lo esperamos, sentimos que podemos elevarnos. Notamos esas alas fluidicas que nos alzan, sobre nuestras penas y desatinos.

Nos desplazamos sin saber como, y bendecimos al Creador por su prevision, por no desampararnos y por enseñarnos a volar alto.        


     Like the birds we have wings, although not seen on Earth. God gave us these wings when he created us and they grow as we evolve; acquiring strength and skills.

In our spiritual journey; when we least expect it; we feel that we can elevate. We notice these unsolidified wings that lift us above our sorrows and mistakes.

We reposition not knowing how, and we bless the Creator for his foresight, for not forsaking us and for teaching us to fly high.         


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