
Monday, May 19, 2014

12:13 PM No comments Posted in
Posted by Luis Salazar on 12:13 PM with No comments | Categories:
14 de mayo, 2014.

Es un sentimiento tan especial creer y sentir a Dios. Es una sensacion de aislamiento del mundo material. Nos elevamos sobre las masas infernales de la vida terrestre. Nos cubrimos con un manto de luz, que nos proteje del frio, del desamor y del calor de las pasiones malignas.
La vida es tan corta en verdad. Entonces porque no aprovecharla bien? Es devolverle al Creador; es entregarle lo que nos prestó; nuestra vida material, pero bien vivida, pulida, brillante por nuestros actos positivos.
Realmente no sabemos mucho; dia a dia estamos aprendiendo.  Es el proposito de nuestra Reencarnacion; para eso venimos a la tierra. No debemos desperdiciar cada momento, sino aprovecharlo; debemos refinarlo con nuestro amor, caridad y devocion.


Image Courtesy of Dan /

May 14, 2014. 

A message from a friend in spirit.
It is a special feeling to believe and feel God. It’s a sensation of isolation from the material world. We rise above the hellish life of the masses on earth. We are covered with a blanket of light that protects from the cold of indifference and the heat of malignant passions.
Life is very short indeed. Then why not use it well? Return it to the Creator, that lent us our material life; but well-lived, polished, glistening by our positive acts.

We really don't know much; every day we are learning. It is the purpose of our incarnation, that’s why we come to Earth. We must not waste any time, but take advantage of it, and refine it with our love, charity and devotion. 


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