
Saturday, May 31, 2014

5:08 PM No comments Posted in
Posted by Luis Salazar on 5:08 PM with No comments | Categories:

Se dice: “Que todo lo que brilla no es oro.”                                    
Eso muy cierto. Hay que buscar y rebuscar debajo de una capa de oro enchapado en el mundo materialista terrenal, y en algunos de sus pobladores. Estan enchapados de oro nada más, no es oro solido. Debemos empeñarnos en encontrar el fondo de las cosas; el corazon y el espíritu de las cosas y de los seres humanos. Ver lo que realmente hay detrás de esa fachada bien adornada. Hay que analizar, saber apreciar, y aun conociendo la triste verdad y la falsedad de esas cosas y seres, debemos respetarlos y amarlos; dirigiendo nuestros buenos pensamientos a ellos con corrientes  energeticas beneficas que restauran y reaniman; favoreciendo al projimo y contribuyendo al bien común del planeta, con nuestro estado mental positivo y amoroso; que sí es de oro sólido.

It is said: "All that glitters is not gold."                                               
That is very true. We must search and dig under a layer of gold plating in the materialistic terrestrial world, and in some of its inhabitants. They are only gold coated, but are not solid gold. We must strive to get to the bottom of things; to find the heart and the spirit of objects and human beings. Grasping what really lies behind that well decorated facade. We must analyze; knowing how to appreciate, and even while knowing the sad truth and falsehood of those entities and things, we must respect and love them, directing our good thoughts towards them, with benevolent energetic currents that restore and revive; helping mankind and contributing to the common good of the planet, with our positive and loving state of mind; which is solid gold.


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