
Friday, August 8, 2014

5:54 AM No comments Posted in
Posted by Luis Salazar on 5:54 AM with No comments | Categories:
En muchas personas sus intenciones están claras; se les ve en sus rostros; a veces hasta disfigurados por su rencor, odio y frustracion. Pero como son nuestros hermanos; aunque perdidos en la neblina del desamor, le extendemos una mano para salvaguardarlos del precipicio.
Deseamos rescatarlos de sus propios desvios; de su mar agrio, y con nuestro amor y paciencia, podemos asistirlos y hasta salvarlos. Es muy posible y eso nos satisface.
Por eso seguimos amando, orando y laborando; somos parte de una marcha redentora. Hombro con hombro vamos cantandole al Creador. El eco de nuestros cantares, convierte la cadencia en un himno de amor.



In many people their intentions are clear; it shows on their faces; sometimes even disfigured by grudges, hatred and frustration. But because they are our brothers; though lost in a haze of indifference, we extend a hand to safeguard them from the precipice.
We want to rescue them from their own diversions; their sour sea. With our love and patience, we can assist them and even save them. It is very possible and that pleases us.
For this reason we continue loving, praying and working; we are part of a redemptive march. Shoulder to shoulder we go on singing to the Creator. The echo of our song converts the cadence into a hymn of love.


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