
Friday, June 20, 2014

6:16 AM No comments Posted in
Posted by Luis Salazar on 6:16 AM with No comments | Categories:
¡Bendito sean los padres abnegados y bondadosos! Es una responsabilidad inmensa, encauzar, cuidar y sostener a la criatura, que Dios les entregó. Ese hijo o hija ahora; pudo haber sido un padre, madre o un ser amado en la antiguedad; asi de sencillo y de magnífico lo es.
El convenio es amarlos pero amarlos bien. Hay algunos que dicen que aman; sin embargo no saben amar. El amor bien sentido, bien compartido, es totalmente desinteresado y es reciproco por afinidad y gratitud.
El afecto sincero y puro fluye; embelesando a los seres con una esencia exquisita. Alzandolos de sus cadenas materiales a otras esferas diáfanas e infinitas. Se reconoce por un extasis que no tiene nada que ver con la envoltura humana. Son almas que se abrazan espiritualmente y se unen en una caricia eterna.
"Family on the Beach" Courtesy of Viado/FreeDigitalPhotos


Blessed are the unselfish and benevolent parents! It’s an immense responsibility to guide, take care of, and support a child that God has given them. That son or daughter now; could have been a father, mother or a beloved in antiquity; it’s as simple and magnificent as that.
The agreement is to love them; but to love them well. There are some who say that they love; however they don't know how to love. Mutual deeply felt love is totally selfless and it’s reciprocal, due to affinity and gratitude.

Sincere and pure affection flows; enrapturing humans with an exquisite essence. Soared from their material chains they are spiraled to other luminous and infinite spheres. It is felt by an ecstasy that has nothing to do with the human wrapping. They are souls that embrace spiritually and unite in an eternal caress.


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