
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

1:47 PM No comments Posted in
Posted by Unknown on 1:47 PM with No comments | Categories:
El amor es la llave que abre la puerta del progreso en todos los mundos. Nos quejamos, lloramos y hasta pataleteamos; es nuestra condición humana, pero nuestro espíritu se regocija saltando las barreras y evadiendo los obstáculos; creyendo en Dios y sabiendo que llegaremos a la meta. 
Solo pedimos luz, siempre en nuestro camino; nunca hay demasiada luz. A oscuras ni a media luz podemos movilizarnos, ni elevarnos. Nos sobran deseos de hacer; y que lindo es querer obrar por nuestros hermanos, muchos de ellos en desgracia.
Nuestras metas son las mismas Gilda; educar, divulgar, y compartir; todos satisfechos con nuestra obra.


Love is the key that unlocks the door of progress in all worlds. We complain, cry, and even have tantrums; it is our human condition. But our spirit rejoices jumping over barriers and avoiding obstacles, while believing in God, and knowing that we will reach our goals.
We always ask only for light in our path; there is never too much light. With dim to medium light we cannot mobilize or rise. We have plenty of desires to do; and how lovely it is to want to work for our brothers and sisters, many of them in disgrace.

Our goals are the same Gilda; educate, relate and share; all satisfied with our work.


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